DC/RTS Documentation  v1.62
A Unity3D System Incorporating the Functionality of a Dungeon Crawler or Real Time Strategy System
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
oCBinaryHeap< T >BinaryHeap used from: http://www.informit.com/guides/content.aspx?g=dotnet&seqNum=789
oCCamMovementBehaviorThis Class is for Handling Movement and Key Inputs for the Camera's Behavior
oCControlObjHandlerCreates a Unity3D Object to Inherit the Functionality of a DC/RTS ControlObjHandler within the Unity3D Environment
oCControlObjObserverDataThe data that makes up the ControlObj Observer when ObjectCreationGUIController.CreationMethod = GridObjectCreationMethod.Observer
oCCreatureHandlerCreates a Unity3D object to Inherit the Functionality of a DC/RTS CreatureHandler within the Unity3D Environment
oCFormationSwitchesThis class will be Used for Handling Different Formations
oCGridGeneratorThis class generates a grid a long the xz plane
|oCGridComparerUsed for Sorting GridSquares within a Data Structure that Contains an IComparer
|oCGridSquareRepresents a 3D GridSquare within the xz-plane
|\CGridSquareQuadrantUsed for Being Able to Easily keep Track of GridSquares Tied to Specific Quadrants
oCGridObjectRepresents a GridObject that is used on the GridGenerator
oCGridObjectCreationThe system that controls the creation of GridObjects
oCGridRendererThis class is used for rendering the grid and calculated grid paths to the world
oCHealthSystemThis Class extends the ScrollBarEssentials, simulating the behavior for a HealthSystem Game Bar
oCMultiSelectToggleThis class is used for rendering the multiselect rectangle when in RTS mode
oCNPCHandlerCreates a Unity3D Object to Inherit the Functionality of a DC/RTS NPCHandler within the Unity3D Environment
oCObjectCreationGUIControllerHandles creation of the GridObjectCreation system and it's corresponding data
oCPathFinderThis is an Implementation of the A* Pathfinding System, that takes in GridSquares from the GridGenerator Class
oCPathStructQueueThis Structure is Used for Storing Information about a Particular PathCalculator that is Used in the PathFinder Queue
oCScrollBarEssentialsThe class that handles the data, base functions and drawing of a Game Bar
oCSelectedIndicatorBehaviorThis class is used for Controlling the SelectedIndicator Plane Behavior bellow the ControlObjHandler, NPCHandler or CreatureHandler Objects
oCSelectionBehaviorThis class handles inputs for selecting the objects through the game world
oCSelectionToggleThis class is used for displaying the selected light object when a position is chosen within the World
oCSimpleShackHandlerThis Class Controls the GridObject for data used within the GridObjectCreation system
oCTimerBarSystemThis Class extends the ScrollBarEssentials, simulating the behavior for a TimerSystem Game Bar
oCUpdatePositionToggleThis Class is used for Continually Calculating and Updating the Position of a Unity3D Transform Object
\CWorkerClassThis Class Controls the WorkerClass ControlObjHandler for data used within the GridObjectCreation system