DC/RTS Documentation  v1.62
A Unity3D System Incorporating the Functionality of a Dungeon Crawler or Real Time Strategy System
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UpdatePositionToggle Class Reference

This Class is used for Continually Calculating and Updating the Position of a Unity3D Transform Object. More...

Public Member Functions

 UpdatePositionToggle (Transform ref_obj)
 Creates a New UpdatePositionToggle with a Unity3D Transform Object and the toggle_count. More...
bool isMoveable ()
 Returns whether the update_target is able to Move. More...
Vector3 destinationPosition ()
 Returns the Destination Position of the update_target based on the Calculated Path Tiles. More...
Transform getTransform ()
 The Transform of the update_target. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static void AddUpdaterToggle (UpdatePositionToggle new_toggle)
 Adds a New UpdatePositionToggle if one isn't Attached to the update_target. More...
static void UpdateTogglePositions ()
 Updates the updater_list of UpdatePositionToggles. More...


bool MovementToggle [get, set]
 Returns or Sets whether this is an Active MovementToggle. More...
Vector3 Position [get, set]
 The Current Position of the update_target. More...
Vector3 Rotation [get, set]
 The Current Rotation of the update_target. More...

Detailed Description

This Class is used for Continually Calculating and Updating the Position of a Unity3D Transform Object.

Specifically ControlObjHandler Objects (At this time).

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

UpdatePositionToggle.UpdatePositionToggle ( Transform  ref_obj)

Creates a New UpdatePositionToggle with a Unity3D Transform Object and the toggle_count.

ref_objThe Unity3D Transform Object.
cThe Count of this UpdatePositionToggle (This will be used for Formations).

Member Function Documentation

static void UpdatePositionToggle.AddUpdaterToggle ( UpdatePositionToggle  new_toggle)

Adds a New UpdatePositionToggle if one isn't Attached to the update_target.

Else, Add a New one to the updater_list.

new_toggleThe New UpdatePositionToggle to Change or Add.
Vector3 UpdatePositionToggle.destinationPosition ( )

Returns the Destination Position of the update_target based on the Calculated Path Tiles.

The Vector3 Relating to the Position.
Transform UpdatePositionToggle.getTransform ( )

The Transform of the update_target.

bool UpdatePositionToggle.isMoveable ( )

Returns whether the update_target is able to Move.

This is True when the update_target has Calculated Path Tiles.

static void UpdatePositionToggle.UpdateTogglePositions ( )

Updates the updater_list of UpdatePositionToggles.

Moving it's Position and Changing it's Rotation of the update_target Only if it is Moveable.

Property Documentation

bool UpdatePositionToggle.MovementToggle

Returns or Sets whether this is an Active MovementToggle.

Vector3 UpdatePositionToggle.Position

The Current Position of the update_target.

Vector3 UpdatePositionToggle.Rotation

The Current Rotation of the update_target.

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