DC/RTS Documentation  v1.62
A Unity3D System Incorporating the Functionality of a Dungeon Crawler or Real Time Strategy System
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File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
o*CamMovementBehavior.csHandles Input Relating Specifically Towards Concepts Around the Main Camera
o*ControlObjHandler.csUsed for Handling Concepts Tied Specifically to Control Objects
o*CreatureHandler.csUsed for Handling Concepts Tied Specifically to Creature Objects
o*FormationSwitches.csHandles Concepts Relating to Formations
o*GridGenerator.csHandles Data Representing the GridGenerator
o*GridObject.csA GridObject class for use on the GridGenerator
o*GridObjectCreation.csHandles the entirety of Grid Object Creation
o*GridRenderer.csHandles Rendering of a GridGenerator GridSquares and Calculated Path Tiles
o*HealthSystem.csRepresents the Health System Game Bar System
o*MultiSelectToggle.csHandles Input and Data for the Multi Selection Behavior in MovementSelectionBehavior.RealTimeStratToggle Mode
o*NPCHandler.csUsed for Handling Concepts Tied Specifically to NPC Objects
o*ObjectCreationGUIController.csThe GridObjectCreation GUI Controller that attaches to the Main Camera
o*PathFinder.csUsed for Calculating A* PathFinding
o*ScrollBarEssentials.csThe ScrollBarEssentials utilized from the Game Bar Creation System: http://u3d.as/content/chazix-scripts/game-bar-creation-system/2Es
o*SelectedIndicatorBehavior.csHandles Behavior of the SelectedIndicator
o*SelectionBehavior.csHandles Input Relating Specifically Towards Concepts Around Selecting, Deselecting, etc, of Control, NPC, and Creature Objects
o*SelectionToggle.csHandles the Behavior of the SelectionToggle
o*SimpleShackHandler.csHandles the communication between the GridObjectCreation system and the GridObject
o*TimerBarSystem.csRepresents the Timer System Game Bar System
\*WorkerClass.csHandles the communication between the GridObjectCreation system and the Worker Control Object